Generally we face a situation when we need to move the one Database diagram to another Database. Suppose you have created a database A which contains some database diagram and there is the same or different database B which does not contains any database diagram. Now you have to move only the database diagram of A to the B.
The entire diagram’s information is stored in the dbo.sysdiagrams.
If you wish to see the table dbo.sysdiagrams which is in System Table folder of A,then write the following statement
select * from A.dbo.sysdiagrams
It will list all the diagram information.
Now if you need to move or copy the all the diagrams of database A to the B then write the following sql statement and run:
insert into B.dbo.sysdiagramsselect [name], principal_id, version,definition from A.dbo.sysdiagrams
It will copy all the diagrams of database A to the database B
insert into B.dbo.sysdiagramsselect [name],diagram_id , version,definition from A.dbo.sysdiagramswhere diagram_id =13