Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Copy database diagrams from one database to another database in sqlserver2005

Generally we face a situation when we need to move the one Database diagram to another Database. Suppose you have created a database A which contains some database diagram and there is the same or different database B which does not contains any database diagram. Now you have to move only the database diagram of A to the B.
The entire diagram’s information is stored in the dbo.sysdiagrams.
If you wish to see the table dbo.sysdiagrams which is in System Table folder of A,then write the following statement

select * from A.dbo.sysdiagrams

It will list all the diagram information.

Now if you need to move or copy the all the diagrams of database A to the B then write the following sql statement and run:

insert into B.dbo.sysdiagrams
select [name], principal_id, version,definition from A.dbo.sysdiagrams

It will copy all the diagrams of database A to the database B
insert into B.dbo.sysdiagrams
select [name],diagram_id , version,definition from A.dbo.sysdiagrams
where diagram_id =13

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Paging with Sqlserver2005

Some time we need to implement the paging concept for our web and windows application. To achieve this we generally do very completed code or we have to do the paging with our controls such as Datagrid, Gridview etc. However this control s may affect the performance of our application. For example if there are 1000000 records and if we implement the paging then we have to do the server site code or if we fetch whole the record from database to the application then it will affect the performance, and if we use web application then we have to very much care about the performance of the application. But don’t worry friends there a very simple procedure to implement the paging through the database. We can filter the recodes in our procedure and then we can fetch only those records what we need.
1. Using the Employees table of northwind
2. Now create a procedure
-- =============================================
-- Author: Pankaj Saha
-- Create date:
-- Description: To fetch the records by paging
-- =============================================
@CurrentPageNo int
,@PageSize int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
WITH EmployeeCTE
select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY EmployeeID) AS RowNumber FROM Employees
SELECT * FROM EmployeeCTE WHERE RowNumber between ((@CurrentPageNo-1)*@PageSize )+ 1and (@CurrentPageNo*@PageSize-1)
3. Execute the following statement
execute GetEmployees 1 ,10
The output would show the top 10 employees information, if you run
execute GetEmployees 2 ,10
The output would be the next 10 records.